Please allow up to 14 days for delivery.
In most cases your order will arrive within 5-10 days but in the unlikely event that your item hasn't arrived after 14 days then please email us and we will be happy to assist you.
Luxxious Clothing does not hold or accept any responsibility for packages that have been stated as items lost, stolen, stuck in transit, or delivered. We do not issue refunds or store credit for packages that the courier confirms as lost in transit or delivered. Please contact your local postal service to locate your order. The Customer Support Team can only see the same tracking information given to the customer through the tracking number.
Luxxious Clothing is not responsible for the payment of Customs or VAT Fees. The fee varies and is determined by each country. By processing an order, you agree and acknowledge you will pay any Customs and VAT fees that may occur.
NOTE: Some items may arrive seperately so dont be alarmed if you are missing something.
Many Thanks,
Luxxious Team